granulated electric arc furnace slag

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granulated electric arc furnace slag

  • Electric arc furnace granulated slag for sustainable concrete

    2016年10月1日  This paper deals with the use of industrial byproducts from electric arc furnace (EAF) granulated slag for the partial replacement of natural aggregates

  • Luigi Coppola, Alessandra Buoso, Denny Coffetti, Patricia Kara, Sergio LorenziUS Environmental Protection Agency
  • Electric Arc Furnace (EAF) Slag US EPA

    About EAF SlagBackgroundCurrent ResearchFrequent Questions根据热度为您推荐•反馈ScienceDirect
  • Electric arc furnace granulated slag for sustainable concrete

    2016年10月1日  Electric arc furnace slag (EAFS) is an attractive byproduct due to its suitability as a replacement aggregate, the use of which helps to reduce the demand for

  • Luigi Coppola, Alessandra Buoso, Denny Coffetti, Patricia Kara, Sergio LorenziResearchGate
  • Electric arc furnace granulated slag for sustainable concrete

    2016年7月5日  This paper deals with the use of industrial byproducts from electric arc furnace (EAF) granulated slag for the partial replacement of natural aggregates

  • 5 National Center for Biotechnology Information
  • Comparing Properties of Concrete Containing Electric Arc

    2019年4月27日  A comparative assessment of the mechanical properties of concrete containing electric arc furnace (EAF) oxidizing slag and granulated blast furnace

  • Jin Young Lee, Jin Seok Choi, Tian Feng Yuan, Young Soo Yoon, Denis MitchellMDPI
  • Sustainable Recycling of Electric Arc Furnace Steel Slag as

    2021年1月7日  The steel slag incorporation results in a stiffness comparable to that of a traditional concrete Overall, the mechanical and leaching characterization has shown

  • ScienceDirect
  • Alkali activation of electric arc furnace slag: Mechanical properties

    2019年1月1日  Alkali activation of electric arc furnace slag: Mechanical properties and micro analyzes Murat Ozturk a , Muzeyyen Balcikanli Bankir a , Omer Saltuk Bolukbasi b

  • ScienceDirect
  • Electric arc furnace slag and its use in hydraulic concrete

    2015年8月15日  Electric arc furnace oxidizing slag (EAFS) is a byproduct of the steelmaking industry, generated after the melting and the primary acid refining of liquid

  • PubMed
  • Comparing Properties of Concrete Containing Electric Arc Furnace

    2019年4月27日  For sustainable development in the construction industry, blast furnace slag has been used as a substitute for cement in concrete In contrast, steelmaking

  • Springer
  • The Effects of Electric Arc Furnace (EAF) Slag on Engineering

    2022年1月17日  Electric arc furnace slag is produced during the manufacture of crude steel by the electric arc furnace (EAF) process The slag itself is a strong and a dense